Home > Managers


Below are our articles on the subject of Managers. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Contacting Employees in Their Homes
Contacting Employees in Their Homes
It is not always appropriate to contact employees in their homes. It may be an invasion of their right to privacy....
Counselling and Privacy at Work
Counselling and Privacy at Work
The issue of privacy is particularly important when employers offer counselling services to their employees....
Dealing With Internet Pornography in the Workplace
Dealing With Internet Pornography in the Workplace
Viewing Internet pornography at work can cause offence. In some instances, it can also leave the staff member and the employer open to prosecution....
Employee Privacy and Drug Misuse
Employee Privacy and Drug Misuse
Employers must handle drug misuse at work sensitively and respect staff privacy. Staff also have responsibilities to the employer. The law, and government guidance,…...
Monitoring Your Workers
Monitoring Your Workers
Workers may feel that their privacy has been compromised if they are monitored too closely in the workplace....
Privacy and Staff Appraisals
Privacy and Staff Appraisals
During a worker’s career, they may be subject to many appraisals. The results of these appraisals are likely to form part of their permanent, and their privacy must be…...
The Use of Private Investigators in the Workplace
The Use of Private Investigators in the Workplace
An employer may use a private investigator in the workplace for a number of reasons, and staff may not even know that a PI is present....
Worker-Manager Confidentiality
Worker-Manager Confidentiality
When managers have a good relationship with their staff, they may be told information in confidence. When should the individual’s privacy be overturned for the good of…...