Case Studies...
Below are our articles on the subject of Case Studies. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
CCTV and Audio Recording at My Office: A Case Study
An employer has to justify and explain the use of CCTV and audio recording in an office. This case study outlines one employee's negative experience....
Company Privacy Policy: A Case Study
Every business should have a privacy policy. This case study explains how a Head of Human Resources went about creating the policy for her company....
Deleted Emails Weren't Actually Deleted: A Case Study
Employers can sometimes retrieve deleted personal emails sent and received at work. As one company discovered, however, this may be an invasion of staff privacy....
Giving My Employees Privacy: A Case Study
Some employers respect the need to give their staff adequate privacy and confidentiality in the workplace. This is one example....
Information My Employer Has About Me: A Case Study
Although you have a right to see the personal information your employer holds about you, seeing it can sometimes be difficult as one person discovered....
My Experiences of the Human Rights Act: A Case Study
The Human Rights Act is relevant to everyone at work. Here, a human resources expert provides some useful advice for employees and employers alike....
Victim of Identity Theft: A Case Study
The government has reported that the total amount stolen as a result of identity theft is £1.3 billion a year. This is one victim's story....